Monthly Archives: May 2016

Transition to New Online Public File Database Announced

In an earlier post, we discussed the adoption of rules requiring all radio stations, cable systems, and satellite radio and television licensees to transition their public inspection file onto an online database to be maintained by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

On May 12, 2016, the FCC announced the timeline for the migration for the affected parties.  In particular, the following parties will need to commence using the new database on June 24, 2016: Continue reading Transition to New Online Public File Database Announced

Currently Pending FCC Petitions in TCPA Matters

With the TCPA dockets remaining active going into 2016, we decided to put together a list of notable petitions pending at the FCC.  The following list provides details on most petitions that the FCC has yet to rule on, including links to the petition and, where applicable, the public notice, some background on the issues implicated by the petitions, and details on important dates associated with the proceeding.

Nonpublic draft FCC orders on the following petitions are currently on circulation before the Commission for a vote:

Further details on these petitions are included below. Continue reading Currently Pending FCC Petitions in TCPA Matters